NACA, SACA conduct Supervisory Visit to Implementing partners on HIV.


In its concerted efforts to combat HIV/AIDS in the state, the Ekiti State Government in Collaboration with National Agency For the Control of AIDS (NACA) Abuja, were in the state to conduct checklist monitoring on prevention of HIV, mentoring and supportive supervisory visits to the line Ministries and other stakeholders.

Receiving the visiting team, the General Manager of EKSACA,  Dr.Charles Doherty, who was represented by Mr Kunle Akinfemisoye said the NACA visit to the state was timely,  noting that the importance of the supervisory checklist visit was to know the effectiveness of the stakeholders and to eliminate the spread of the virus in the society.
Doherty stressed that the assignment was a national one, put in place
 basically to carry out national response on HIV Prevention.

Earlier at the debriefing meeting, the Assistant Chief Confidential Secretary who led the NACA team to the state, Mrs Roseline Akinola said the objective of the supervisory meeting was to ascertain the state's progress in HIV prevention implementation, collate information on the state level of HIV prevention efforts and to provide mentorship in the state actors like EKSACA, SASCP, IPs, CSOs and MDAs on the Global HIV Prevention Coalition (GPC) Pillars.

Mrs Akinola explained that NACA's mission was to provide an enabling policy environment and stable ongoing facilitation of proactive multi - sectoral planning, coordinated implementation, monitoring and evaluation of all HIV/AIDS prevention and impact mitigation activities in Nigeria.

She added that the meeting was not to find fault in the Stakeholders activities in the state, but to detect areas where their were low performances and the way out of the challenges faced.

The team conducted supportive supervisory checklist visits to the line Ministries and the implimenting partners in the state, where it provided technical support and guidance to the staff, and as well helped them to improve their HIV prevention strategies and services.

In the course of the visit, the NACA team made a significant impact on the HIV prevention efforts in Ekiti State while their expertise and guidance helped to strengthen the capacity of the implementing partners in the state at ensuring that they were better equipped to prevent the spread of HIV and provide support to those affected by the virus.

The Chairman of the Network of People living with HIV/AIDS in Nigeria (NSPWHAN), Mr Oyewole Oluwafemi, expressed his gratitude to the SACA staff and NACA team for their selfless service and cooperation, with a plea to them not to relent in their efforts at making positive difference in the lives of those affected by HIV in Ekiti State.


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