By John Kayode AYODELE

The President, Catholic Laity Council of Nigeria, Ekiti Diocese, Dr. Francis Olu Ibimiluyi, on Sunday February 18, 2024, led a team of his executive and Media team to St. Thomas Catholic Church, Ogotun-Ekiti, to visit Ilawe Deanery Laity Council. 

The visit, which was part of the promises made after his emergence as the Diocesan President was also extended to the Catholic Youth Organisation of Nigeria, CYON Ilawe Deanery and a Stakeholder, Sir. (Chief) L. A. Egunjobi KSG. 

In his address at the Laity Council meeting, Dr. Ibimiluyi commended the host Priest, Rev. Fr. Gabriel Ogidan, the leadership of the Laity Council in Ilawe Deanery led by Prince Adebayo Faluru and the member-Parishes, for their efforts and commitment to the development of the Council in Ilawe Deanery and Ekiti Diocese at large. 
He encourages them to be more proactive at the meetings and other activities of the Council at all levels. Parishes that are still indebted to the Diocese were encouraged to do the needful before the next Diocesan General Meeting of the Council on Saturday April 13th, 2024.

Addressing the Leadership and members of the Catholic Youth Organisation, Ilawe Deanery, at their Deanery Youth meeting, Dr. Ibimiluyi commended the Youths for keeping the faith growing. 
He drew their attention to the fact that CYON is an arm of the Laity Council, hence, they should not be running shoulder with the Laity Council. “None of the Organisations or groups in the Church should be having clash of meetings/ Programmes with the Laity Council”. Dr. Ibimiluyi added. 

Commenting, the CYON President, Ilawe Deanery, Mr. Richard Ogunlade appreciated the Diocesan Laity President and his team for visiting their Deanery. He explained why the meeting  of the CYON Clashed with the Deanery Laity Meeting. He apologized and promised to guild against the occurrence of such in the future. 

The President of the Laity Council, Ilawe Deanery, Prince Adebayo Faluru also appreciated the Diocesan Executive for the visit. He promised that Ilawe Deanery Laity Council shall keep on making the Laity Council proud in Ekiti Diocese. 

Appreciating the efforts made by the Pioneer President of the Council in Ilawe Deanery, Mr. Lucas Adeleye, the Council honoured him at the meeting for laying a solid foundation for others to follow. 
In another development, the team visited Sir (Chief) L. A. Egunjobi KSG at his hometown in Ilawe-Ekiti where he (Sir Egunjobi) appreciated the visit and pledge his full support to the development of the Catholic Laity Council in Ekiti Diocese as long as he lives. 
Those who accompanied the Diocesan Laity President were: The Diocesan Laity Vice President, Mrs. Juliet Madu, the Secretary General, Sir Richard Ajayi, the Financial Secretary, Prince Victor Alonge, the Diocesan Laity Provost, Mr. Gabriel Faleye, the Diocesan Laity Administrative Secretary, Mr. John Kayode Ayodele and the representative of the Catholic Youth Organisation, Miss. Scholastica Omojola 


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